Privacy Policy



General Privacy Policy:

Furacci GmbH is committed to protecting the privacy of its website visitors in accordance with EU GDPR Regulation (EU) 679/2016 General Data Protection Regulation. This Privacy Policy applies to anyone who accesses our website, whether browsing the site or making a purchase. We encourage you to read this policy carefully as it explains the measures we have taken to ensure the security of your personal data.

Our website does not require any registration to browse, and you are free to access the majority of its services without providing any personal information. However, in some instances, we may request certain information from you to provide specific services, such as registering for our FURACCI & YOU program, subscribing to our newsletter, or contacting us through the “Contact Us” section.

If you choose to provide us with personal data for other services, we will inform you in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. This will include the purposes for which your data is being used, as well as your right to request the deletion or update of your data.

As required by Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation, Furacci GmbH provides you with the following information.

Furacci GmbH, the operator of the website (hereinafter, the “Website”), is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. This Privacy Policy applies to all visitors to the Website, whether they simply browse or use our services, including but not limited to purchasing products or registering with Furacci & Friends. Please carefully read this Privacy Policy to understand how we collect, process, and protect your personal data.

  1. Identity and contact details of the Data Controller Furacci GmbH, with registered office at [insert address], is the Data Controller for the personal data collected through the Website, in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). You may contact us regarding any matter related to this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data at
  2. Types of personal data subject to processing While browsing the Website is free of charge and does not require registration, there are sections that require registration or the use of a username and password, or services that require your personal data. For example, to purchase products or access certain features of the Website, you may be required to provide your personal data. Please note that we may also collect data relating to your browsing activity on the Website, as explained in point 6 below on the use of Profiling tools. We will inform you of the purpose and legal basis for processing your personal data at the time of collection, and you may exercise your rights under the GDPR at any time.
  3. Purposes and legal basis of the processing The data is collected and processed for purposes strictly connected with using the Website, its services and the online purchase of products. The purposes for using the data are specified in detail in the specific policies provided by the Website for all cases of data collection. Therefore, we kindly ask you to read the policies that provide, in each instance, the features of the processing that will be carried out by Furacci (e.g. for the subscription to the newsletter service, for access to “Furacci & ME”, for sending requests through the “Contact us” section, etc.) or by the Furacci retail companies (e.g. for the online sale of Furacci branded products). In particular, your data will be processed in order to manage your orders and to guarantee the use of the Services (including post-sale services) requested through the Website, to fulfil the related statutory obligations, to manage our customers’ loyalty activities through Furacci & ME, to reply to any of your requests, as well as, based on your consent, to start marketing activities and analysis of your preferences. The processing of your data shall comply with the privacy provisions[2].
  4. The provision of your personal data is generally optional. However, there may be certain instances where failure to provide your personal data could result in your inability to access certain services or to fulfill your requests. For example, when making purchases online, providing your personal data, email, delivery address, credit/debit card information or banking details, and telephone number is necessary. Failure to provide such data may make it impossible for Furacci to grant access to our website’s services or to fulfill our users’ requests. Please note that the specific data required for each instance is indicated in the data collection forms on the website, marked with an asterisk (*), and the consequences of not providing such data are mentioned in the relevant data policies on the data collection pages.
  5. The data provided may be processed both electronically and on paper (e.g. for the management of purchases on the Furacci website). Furacci guarantees the lawful and accurate processing of personal data in compliance with applicable laws and the utmost confidentiality of the data provided during registration. The data will not be disclosed and shall only be processed by authorized staff members of the Digital & E-Commerce and CRM Departments who manage the website.
  6. For organizational and operational purposes, we have appointed certain service providers who act as external data processors of users’ personal data for purposes strictly connected and related to the performance of the services provided. A complete list of external data processing officers may be requested by contacting
  7. In addition, the data may be shared with our commercial partners and companies that provide services useful in managing purchases and other related services.
  8. This policy applies solely to the Furacci website,, and not to any other websites that may be visited by the user through links. Furacci shall not be held responsible for the personal data provided by users to external parties or to any websites connected to our website.
  9. Furacci does not engage in any promotional and/or advertising communication activity without the prior express consent of the user. The website uses “cookies,” which include both technical cookies intended to facilitate browsing and use of the website and profiling cookies intended to analyze users, their behavior, and preferences in order to provide them with personalized advertising.
  10. For a detailed explanation of the cookies used by the website and steps to follow in order to disable them, please refer to our Cookie Policy
  11. Place of data processing and transfers outside the European Union: The processing of personal data related to the services provided by the Furacci website is carried out at Furacci’s office. The collected and processed data may be transferred to non-European Union countries/regions where Furacci stores are located or where the website’s service providers are based. Additionally, the data may be transferred to countries/regions within or outside the European Union where Furacci’s commercial partners are located.
  12. According to applicable regulations, specific consent is not required for the transfer of data to third-party countries/regions as adequate safeguards are adopted in accordance with Articles 46 and 47 of the Regulation. These safeguards include the adoption of standard contract clauses approved by the European Commission in relation to the relations with retail companies managing Furacci stores worldwide and with their service providers.
  13. The transfer of data to any third-party country/region is carried out in compliance with the guarantees, measures and rights established under the Regulation. Upon request to the contact details indicated in paragraph j), further information may be provided regarding the transfer of personal data, guarantees for their protection, as well as the means to obtain a copy of such data or their location.
  14. Data storage duration: Your data will be processed for the duration specified in the specific disclosures provided when the data is collected (e.g. during registration with FENDI & ME, or when using the “contact us” services). For the storage duration of relevant data collected through profiling tools (such as cookies), please refer to Fendi’s Cookie Policy.
  15. Rights of the interested parties: You may exercise your rights under Articles 15 to 22 of the Regulation by sending a notice to FENDI S.r.l. at Palazzo della Civiltà, Quadrato della Concordia No. 3, 00144, Rome (RM), or by emailing These rights include the right to know what data Fendi is processing, the procedures being followed, and the purposes for which the data is being used. You also have the right to modify or delete your data, request limitations on its use, and request to receive or transmit your data. You may also oppose the processing of your data, particularly for marketing or preference analysis purposes. You can change your consent(s) at any time.
  16. If you believe that your personal data is being processed in violation of regulatory provisions, you can file a complaint with the Authority for personal data protection (European Commission) or with the relevant authority in the country or region where you reside, work or where the alleged violation occurred.
  17. The Data Protection Officer The Data Protection Officer appointed by Furacci may be reached at the email address:
  18. Governing law This Privacy Policy is governed by Regulation (EU) 679/2016, which ensures that personal data processing is carried out in accordance with the fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as with the dignity of the data subject, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity, and the right to personal data protection.
  19. Furacci reserves the right to review, modify, or update this Privacy Policy, in whole or in part, at its sole discretion, at any time and in any way, without prior notice, in accordance with any statutory or regulatory amendments to personal data protection provisions. The amendments and updates of the Privacy Policy may be communicated to the users by means of (i) emails to users registered with the Website and/or (ii) published on the Website Home Page. These modifications and updates shall be effective upon their publication and/or notification, and users are advised to check this section regularly to stay informed about the latest changes. If you believe that Furacci has infringed upon your personal data protection rights, you may file a complaint with the Authority for Personal Data Protection (European Commission) in your country/region of habitual residence, work, or the place where the alleged infringement occurred. The applicable law governing this Privacy Policy is Regulation (EU) 679/2016, which ensures that personal data processing is conducted in accordance with the fundamental rights and freedoms, including the right to personal data protection, dignity, confidentiality, and personal identity. The full text of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 can be found on the website of the Authority for Personal Data Protection (European Commission).


[1] Should Furacci collect information and personal data, it shall inform its users in advance about the purposes for which such data are requested and the modalities by which these data will be used. Furacci may request the user’s specific consent to the use of the data if necessary. For example, the personal data that may be requested include the name and surname, telephone number, email address, and other information that the user accepts to provide in order to use the Website services by filling in a specific registration form (e.g., to access the reserved area Furacci & ME). Furacci will use the personal data collected online only for the purposes indicated during registration.

The data concerning the connection to and browsing of the Website (such as the URI-Uniform Resource Identifier addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received as a reply, the numerical code related to the reply status from the server (successfully completed, error, etc.), and other parameters related to the operating system used by the user’s device) are collected only for gathering anonymous statistical data on the use of the Website and for monitoring its correct operation. Such data are deleted immediately after being processed. Such data may be employed to ascertain any liability in case of cyber-crimes against the Website; otherwise, the data shall be deleted as soon as the time needed to provide the services on the Website elapses.

[2] The processing of your data shall be conducted:

  • in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, letters b) and c) of the Regulation to manage your orders and ensure the use of the Services (including post-sale services) requested through the Website, fulfill related legal obligations, manage loyalty activities through Furacci & ME, and fulfill any requests you may have;
  • with your consent, in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Regulation, to carry out activities related to marketing and analysis of your preferences. In any event, the processing shall be carried out in compliance with the relevant provisions – and any amendments or supplements issued by the Authority for Personal Data Protection (which includes fidelity cards and consumer guarantees). The Authority’s regulations for fidelity programs of February 24, 2005, guidelines for promotional activities and spam prevention of July 4, 2013, as well as the general decision on cookies for the simplified procedures for policy and consent acquisition for the use of cookies of May 8, 2014, are included.

[3] Your personal information may be shared with the following entities:

i. Payment processing companies;

ii. Companies responsible for product shipping and delivery;

iii. Legal, tax, and auditing professionals;

iv. Business partners.

[4] Your data collected through the “Contact us” section on the Furraci website will only be processed for the duration necessary to manage your request and will be deleted once the request has been handled. If you choose to register for a customer account in the Furraci & ME section, your data will be processed for as long as your account is active. You may close your account at any time, and your request will be handled immediately or after any pending purchase orders have been fulfilled. If your account remains inactive for three (3) years, Furraci will contact you to confirm whether you wish to keep your account active or not. If you choose to close your account, all data will be deleted. However, data concerning your purchase details will be processed for promotional analysis purposes for up to 7 years following registration, as authorized by the Authority for Personal Data Protection on 22 December 2015. After this time, the data will be deleted or anonymized. Your banking details will be securely stored until your order has been confirmed and payment processed, and then deleted. If payment is not received, your data will be processed for the duration of the claim and for a period ranging from 3 to 5 years, depending on the type of claim. Data processed for sending you Furraci branded product, news, and event communications will be stored for up to three (3) years following the collection date or the date of your last contact with Furraci. At the end of this period, Furraci will contact you to confirm whether you wish to continue receiving communications regarding Furraci products, services, offers, news, and events. If you revoke your marketing consent, your data will be promptly deleted.

The Regulation grants you certain rights through Articles 15 to 22. These include:

  • The right to know whether your personal data is being processed or not
  • The right to access your personal data and related information as per Article 15 of the Regulation
  • The right to correct or supplement your personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete
  • The right to have your personal data deleted without any delay
  • The right to restrict the processing of your personal data
  • The right to be informed of any corrections, deletions, or restrictions regarding your personal data
  • The right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format
  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data for reasons related to your particular situation

You can revoke any consents you provided for processing or object to our analysis activities at any time without any disadvantage. Additionally, under Article 21 of the Regulation, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data if it is carried out for the legitimate interest of the Data Controller under Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation, for reasons related to your particular situation.

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